For those of you that haven't come across the comedy TV series "Ted Lasso", I would highly recommend it! The series follows a fictional football coach, who demonstrates the benefits of a positive mindset, in developing self and others.
So what can we learn from Ted? He chooses to see the best in people, and fosters a mindset that looks for opportunities rather than getting hung up on rivalries or dwelling on problems. As individuals, embracing positivity can help us, as well as others, to achieve our goals in a supportive environment.
Ted likes his words of wisdom, so I share my favourites below for you to consider and perhaps utilise in your everyday life.
'Be a goldfish' - the goldfish has a 10 second memory, and is therefore the happiest creature on the planet. So don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Live well in the present, learn from your mistakes to move forwards, and don't let negative occurrences consume you. This way you bounce back and move on from set backs, rather than being paralysed by them.
 'Be curious, not judgmental' - don't underestimate yourself and others. Asking questions to understand a situation or another person is better than quickly making a judgement. This seems to be quite prevalent in a world fuelled by negative media and the rise of the cancel culture. Instead, be kind and take time to understand who you are, and in turn, others. Why might they be acting in the way they are? What information am I missing to help me understand this situation/person? Curiosity is powerful, you maybe surprised by what you learn by asking a few questions rather than forming a judgement. You may even be able to influence others with this new learning.
'Believe' - Self doubt can be crippling. Research tells us that people who have strong self belief are more likely to succeed, build strong connections with others, and are better communicators. This doesn't mean that there won't be bumps in the road, and challenges along the way to achieving what you want, it means that you believe in your own abilities to navigate these bumps, helping you to be ambitious and persevere. If self belief is a challenge for you, then being a goldfish and curious, are good practices for you to start to embed. When we make judgements about ourselves or others, we are feeding negativity, which in turn fuels poor mental health and wellbeing. Believing we are capable of success supports a more positive mindset.
Ted Lasso may be a fictional character, but its still worth taking time to consider what you can learn from his approach. These 3 phrases are easy reminders of how you can respond more positively to what is happening to/around you. We all need to be reminded to be a goldfish every now and then! Perhaps you could do with a little more self belief, or be more curious in your approach? By adopting one, or all of these words of wisdom, you will start to create a more positive mindset which will also impact on others around you. But most importantly, they will support you to move on from setbacks, and choose positivity and curiosity over judgement. If you recognise you need support to make these changes, then drop me a message!
Who knows how these small changes to your mindset might support you to achieve your goals for the next year! Believe...